insitu ani·motion

Bernd Rohrauer, Ivan Pantelić

The project aims to create conditions which allow for time-based visual media to be used as a platform for real time participation affecting both space and participants. A mobile technical media tool for collaborative intervening in space was developed, which abolishes the separation between distinct phases of creating and consuming art.

How can media be used as a participatory tool to have impact on both space and people simultaneously? The Social Design project insitu ani·motion provides a possible answer to that question. It is an attempt to create conditions which allow for media to be used as a real-time participation tool for intervening in space.

The principal goal of the project is to devise and perfect a mobile technical tool for spatial alterations through collaborative real-time video-producing. Designed to foster participation, its setup abolishes the separation between distinct phases of creating and consuming art. The secondary goal is to generate awareness of space creation through social interaction.

Abolishment of the strict division between the production process and the screening event is ensured by a code-based technical solution. This precondition enables unpredictable playful outcomes to emerge out of social encounters, revealing the potential of the medium. Through on-site participation in real-time video producing, participants are becoming aware of their contribution to the creation and active shaping of space.

The collectively created video process is based on real-time stop motion technique performed in various urban spaces, at various times, by various groups. Lastly, the technical guidelines for the setup as well as the code behind the software will be offered in an open source DIY manner.

(c) Herwig Turk

(c) Herwig Turk

(c) Herwig Turk


June 2020
Bernd Rohrauer
Ivan Pantelić