Fanzine #6

Fanzine #6

Download the fanzine here.

The Fanzine #6 shows all projects and activities of the academic year 2018/19 by the Social Design Studio. The Fanzine #6 was published for the annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts, The Angewandte Festival 2019. It includes master projects, semester projects and special projects developed with external cooperation partners.



Featured projects by:
Social Design students, guests and staff (authors and copyrights listed with project descriptions)

Collected in the course of the academic year 2018/2019

Concept of the series: Social Design Studio

Graphic Design: Alessia Scuderi

Editorial Team: Brigitte Felderer, Christina Schraml, Herwig Turk

Proofreading: Brigitte Felderer, Christina Schraml

Fanzine Social Design #6 © 2019

Social Design Studio