Taste of Home

Anna Misovicz

Which taste reminds you of your home? Taste of Home collects stories about tastes that evoke the sense of home in people. It offers an exchange through new food creations that were invented from ingredients of collected stories.

taste of home

A bite, a sip, a smell in the air... Who would not know the sensation of a sudden taste evoking a memory, a strong emotion? Taking another bite, remembering a familiar place, a known face, an intimate atmosphere, leading us to an inner space - where we came from, we are rooted in. Sense of home and belonging are complex emotions, related to our perception of ourselves. The project aims at sharing the sense of belonging through taste, at initiating an exchange of ideas about what home essentially meansto us. It collects personal stories of tastes and uses these as ingredients for food creations, food being an easily accessible and connecting medium. The collection started with stories nestled in arriving and building a new (sense of) home by Viennese with a refugee background.

Collective experiences can transmit a sense of hope and perspective.

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The first Taste of Home event took place at Café VoZo (asylum seeker emergency shelter at Vordere Zollamtsstr. 7) where the storytellers were able to share perspectives with people who are currently living in uncertainty. A pastry, a “travel package” was made of ingredients embedded in the stories of those I had asked about their experiences. The meaning of home and its change in the process of life formed a relatable and approachable context for the visitors from the shelter and from outside. Taste of Home contributes to the negotiation of our self-image as a society by providing access to connections between us, connections that were unanticipated. The collection is growing, leading to further events and a flourishing community.

Summer 2016
Anna Misovicz
in cooperation with Angéla Góg