TerPra Planet calls PraTer
Enrico Tomassini, Jana Alaraj
“TerPra calls PraTer” is an experimental and process-oriented site specific artistic research and intervention.

“The piece of Paper the grandfather gave to the siblings”, Enrico Tomassini, 2017
The project “TerPra calls PraTer” is an experimental and process-oriented site specific artistic research and intervention structured along a narrative plot acting in between the borders of reality and fictionality. The project is based on various strategies and approaches to the urban environment such as mapping, performance, storytelling and story making.
By combining these different strategies and approaches the project aims to construct a new image of a part of the city and to create new possible relationships in between different social entities and spaces: by performing a fictional narrative in a real space it triggers moments of participatory interactions, within an arbitrary triangle shaped area of our choice in Vienna, where local actors are invited to reconfigure and imagine possible future scenarios of their surroundings.
The final outcome is an illustrated photographic novel as common surface that has the features of a map due to constructing new relationships through it, and it is conceived as a repeatable method for different urban contexts for Site Description and Social transformation.