{NOBODY IS AN ISLAND} – Creative imaginaries of a future with a Universal Basic Income

Catalin Betz, Raphael Volkmer

{Nobody is an Island} is an Open Call seeking for creative imaginaries of a future with a Universal Basic Income (UBI). The Call triggers a discourse and a creative examination of the idea of a UBI along creative minds. The contributions will be used to make an abstract idea more feasible to a broader audience. How would a future with UBI look and feel like?

{Nobody is an Island} is the first international Open Call, seeking for creative imaginaries and an artistic examination on the idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI). The introduction of an Unconditional Basic Income promises a fairer future in which all people can live financially secure and free from existential fears and constraints. Art and Design can be powerful tools to make this vision – which at first sight seems utopian – more tangible and promote a so far rather abstract discourse.

The idea of a Universal Basic Income has been close to its realisation in various parts of the world on several occasions. In recent years, this idea has again gained momentum in the societal discourse. Due to the current difficult situation as a result of the corona crisis, which puts many people worldwide under financial pressure – up to the loss of their livelihood – this concept has become a conceivable alternative to the fragmented crisis management of governments. The Universal Basic Income certainly does not solve all existing problems, but it promises to be a tool for systemic change – towards a more sustainable, more solidary and fairer future. Artists and designers are constantly dealing with different realities of life and have often developed a sensitive feeling for current events. We want to use this ability of resilience to give shape to the promising vision of a Universal Basic Income and to make the complexity of the topic more tangible.

The contributions of the project will be published in the form of a digital and printed publication. Furthermore, an exhibition in cooperation with European basic income networks is planned.

(c) Catalin Betz/Raphael Volkmer

(c) Catalin Betz/Raphael Volkmer

(c) Catalin Betz/Raphael Volkmer


June 2020
Vienna / International
Catalin Betz
Raphael Volkmer