Housing – A Wandering Exhibition in Favoriten, Vienna’s 10th district

Social Design Studio Cooperation partner: urbanize! Internationales Festival für urbane Erkundungen

The multilingual travelling exhibition led through the streets of Vienna’s 10th district Favoriten. Those who followed the strolling sandwich-people and their contents could learn more about housing in Favoriten, in Vienna and elsewhere. In their immediacy, the shown figures and data – in local and international comparison – confronted, touched and also provoked many discussions and exchange in the streets.

 Examples from the exhibition’s content:

“Housing crisis is a predictable, consistent outcome of a basic characteristic of capitalist spatial development: housing is not produced and distributed for the purposes of dwelling for all; it is produced and distributed as a commodity to enrich the few. Housing crisis is not a result of the system breaking down but of the system working as it is intended.” (Madden and Marcuse (2016): In Defense of Housing, p.10)

“In Russia, the average living space per person is 25 square meters. This is significantly less than in other European countries, where one person accounts for an average of 40 square meters of housing, or the United States and Canada with more than 70 square meters. Even in densely populated China, this figure is higher: 27 square meters.”

“In Kiev, the most expensive apartment to buy costs 5,3 million Euros for 500 square meters in the city center.”

“Im österreichischen Durchschnitt geben Mieter*innen des untersten Einkommensviertels 48% ihres Haushaltsbudgets für Wohnen aus, im nicht geförderten Bereich sind es 53%. Im obersten Einkommensviertel sind es hingegen nur 18% bzw. 21%!“(see Beer, Christian und Karin Wagner (2012): „Wohnkostenbelastung der österreichischen Haushalte. Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Erhebung“, in: Geldpolitik und Wirtschaft 4/12, p. 82-94)

“Rund 30.000 Unterkünfte werden über die Plattform airbnb in Österreich angeboten. In Wien gibt es knapp 11.000 Airbnb Angebote. Die meisten davon befinden sich in den Bezirken 1, 2, 4 und 7.“

“Is the illegal invasion of real estate considered a crime? In Mexico, there are 35,618.000 homes, of which 4, 998.000 are abandoned. The illegitimate occupation of real estate in Mexico is considered a crime. Article 395 of the Federal Criminal Code dictates that any person who owns or uses a property without authorization from its owner will be punished with a penalty of 3 months to 5 years in prison. However, articles 1136 and 1137 of the Civil Code rule that peaceful but illegal occupants can request the title of the property if it is not legally claimed after 10 years.”

© Sarah Glück


© Sarah Glück


© Sarah Glück


09.10.2019 to 13.10.2019
Cooperation partner: urbanize! Internationales Festival für urbane Erkundungen